
Introducing Surv!

We are a startup company that is developing a new windows phone social app, Surv, which lets you create and participate in polls in a fun and easy way.



Surv App


Built specifically for the windows phone, Surv allows you to create and participate in quick polls on things that interest you.

You can ask fun “What would you rather” questions, get the community’s feedback on something you are trying to decide on, or get the public opinion on a specific topic.

You can also send a private poll to a friend to get their opinion.

Here is how Surv works:

  • You can ask a question, tag it in a category, add up to three choices and optionally attach an image by using your camera roll or taking a new photo.
  • You can choose to post the new poll either publicly to get feedback from the community or privatley to a friend.
  • You can also browse by a specific category so that you can view and participate in topics you like.
  • Additionally, you can filter the different listing views by a specific user by clicking on their name.
  • The app comes with live tiles and push notifications which lets you keep up with your activities.
  • You can easily participate in a poll by tapping a choice!

Here are the highlights of recent updates

  • Now you can add comments to your vote. Just tap a choice, type a comment and hit post!
  • You can also see a list of all the users voted in a poll.
  • The app now uses your windows theme color.
  • Basic statistics is shown on the user’s profile including number of polls created and number of polls participated in.
  • Users can choose to log in with their Facebook account or sign up using their phone number.

So whether you would like to get your friend’s feedback on a place to go to, or ask the community about something you like, do it with Surv!

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For any questions or suggestions, you can email us at

Follow us on twitter @SilverBrainApps



Surv is committed to your privacy. We do not store your contacts data. We only send the data back to our servers to validate whether any of your contacts has a Surv account so we can help you connect. Also, we do not share your contact data with any third party.

If you choose to login with facebook, we will retrieve and store your public profile information including first name, last name, date of birth and profile picture. We will also collect your location info including country and city.
